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CPD Understanding Eating Disorders

Course Overview

There are an estimated 3.4 million people in the UK who are affected by an eating disorder, meaning raising awareness and gaining knowledge has never been so important.

Whether you are an individual looking to gain knowledge for personal or professional reasons, or an employer looking for understanding eating disorder training for staff, our online CPD Understanding Eating Disorders course will provide key skills, knowledge and understanding surrounding the disorder. It covers the different types of disorders, potential causes, how they can affect individuals and their families, how to manage and recover from a disorder and more.

Key Information

Course Length
4 hours

Course Level
Level CPD

Learning Method(s)
Online materials
Online assessment

For Individuals

Cost and Funding Information

Full Cost Price

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Section 1: Types of eating disorders

Develop an understanding of several disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

Section 2: Potential causes of eating disorders

Cover the common causes of disorders including psychological, environmental, societal and biological factors.

Section 3: The effects of eating disorders

Outline the harmful effects of a disorder on the individual, their family and close friends.

Section 4: Management and recovery from eating disorders

Cover methods in which individuals with an existing disorder can manage and recover including medical interventions, public health resources and further treatment options.